Historical information

Following the use of flat irons the base of the iron was made into a container to put glowing coals inside it and keep it hot a bit longer. This was called a charcoal iron. It had a hinged lid and air holes to allow the charcoal to keep smouldering. They are sometimes called ironing boxes, or charcoal box irons, and may come with their own stand.


This item is an example of a domestic appliance in common usage before the advent of electricity.

Physical description

This is a charcoal iron which was heated by burning charcoal inside it. It is made of iron and has wooden handles, one on top for lifting it and one on the catch at the front that keeps the iron closed. Both of these handles were needed to load the iron with charcoal easily. As wood does not conduct heat well, these handles made the task of filling the iron much easier.
The holes around the base of the iron are for letting the fumes out.

Inscriptions & markings

Top- "M.G."