Historical information

This medal was approved in 1919 for issue to officers and men of British and Imperial forces who served between 5 August 1914 and 11 November 1918.


This medal gives an insight into the human element of World War 1 ensuring that those who were part of the Orbost community and died while playing a vital role during this time are remembered.

Physical description

A circular silver medal with a bare-headed King George V facing left and GEORGIVS V BRITT:OMN:REX ET IND:IMP: on one side and on the other is a naked St George, on horseback armed with a short sword. It has the dates 1914 and 1918 on either side.
The ribbon has a wide central watered stripe of orange and two narrow white stripes on either side, two black pin-stripes and two outer stripes of blue.