Historical information

William PEASCOD (1920-1985)
Born Maryland, Cumberland, United Kingdom.
Arrived Australia 1952

The son of a coal miner, William Peascod was born in England in 1920. He worked in Dapto and Wollongong from 1953-1980. Working as a lecturer in Mining at Wollongong Technical College and Sydney University, he was also an artist, writer and accomplished mountaineer. He published his autobiography ‘Journey after
Dawn’ in England in 1985. During various periods between 1953-1959 William Peascod studied painting, drawing and pottery at the National Art School, Wollongong.

In 1980 William Peascod returned to England. He died in 1985, while mountain climbing in Wales.

This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 1000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007.

Physical description

Painting in mixed media.