Artwork, other - Timber, acrylic paint, glass coat, beeswax, 'Frog Didgeridoo' by Peter Clarke, 2008

Historical information

Peter CLARKE (1969- )
Gunditjamara (Lake Condah)
Born Heywood, Victoria

At two months old Peter Clarke was removed from his parents and placed in a Catholic boy's orphanage in Ballarat. The orphanage was closed and Peter was moved to a public orphanage where he discovered 'manners were not a necessity and you often had to take before you were ever given in this orphanage. ... This new orphanage was not a home for me but a prison of sadness and despair.'

Disconnected from his country and lore Peter Clarke chose "my own path to land, county and water". Although his childhood memories are dark and bleak, he uses vibrant colours.

This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 1000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007.

Physical description

Mallee Wood didgeridoo with vibrant colours. A natural wood imperfections have been used to emphasise what is recognisable as a frog.

This work was purchased from the "My Art, My Life, My Colours' exhibition at the Federation University Post Office Gallery, May 2008.

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