Historical information

Born Sydney, Australia

This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 2000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007.

Physical description

Artists Statement:
I am based in Northern NSW. My art practice is deeply influenced by my connections and experiences with the rivers and habitat where I live. Through drawing, paint, collage and digital media my work explores human relationships with riparian environments. Every day I see the undeniable beauty of our rivers as well as the ecological suffering of these riparian landscapes. Historical practices of land clearing, water politics and weed infestation put tremendous pressure on the Australian ecology.
Disrupting traditional art forms, I combine them with new technologies to reveal some of the complexities behind human relationships with nature. With bold collagist experimentation, I combine numerous mediums to expose the small revelations between media. These juxtapositions open up the possibilities of reinventing different ways of being with the natural environment. Like the layers in my work, the issues surrounding our riverine environments are multifaceted and complex and begin with individual choices. I want to direct people’s attention to our rivers, to love, appreciate and reconnect with the natural environment. Human experience with nature is a fundamental part of our sense of self, health and well-being as well as community connection. (https://rochellesummerfield.com/about/, accessed 10 June 2020)