Book - Ledger, Ballarat School of Mines Donation Book, 1878 - 1895, 1878-1895

Historical information

The Donation Book relates to the Ballarat School of Mines Museum which opened in 1872. Very few of these items are still held by Federation University. The Museum was emptied in the 1960s with items being distrubuted to the Ballarat Historical Society, returned to original lenders (ie Pern Collection), of disposed of.

Physical description

Donations to the Ballarat School of Mines include:

34. M. Hamburger, Ballarat - bunsen burner

41. W.H. Shaw, Phoenix Foundry - 81 nos of 'Engineer'

89. Juvenile Industrial Exhibition Association Committee per Joseph Flude - dies used for striking medals awarded to successful exhibits.

165. Ferdinand Von Mueller

172 Ferdinand Von Mueller o hortus siccus 6

197. James Stoddart

203. Edward Gazzard, North Creswick - Model of safety Cage invented and made by donor

218. E. Morey

222. Alfred Lestor

228. J.J. Sleep, Ballarat, patent Lever escarpment Clock (displayed in laboratories)

237. Bernard Smith (Warden) per favor of James M. Bickett - Bust of Mr John Lynch, Smythesdale. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection)

241. James Oddie, J.P., Ballarat, Copy of 'the Chemist and Druggist'

267. John Lynch Junior, Smythesdale - Cast of "Golden Age" nugget, found at Browns by Co-operative party, 12 men. Weight 75 oz, 12 dwts, 12 grs.(Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection)

270. Isaac Davis, Main Road, Ballarat

294. W. H. Shaw, Ballarat - 94 nos of 'The Engineer'

295. Rivett Henry Bland, Clunes - Specimen of water pipe from the Port Phillip Company's mine encrusted with carbonites of lime and magnesium (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection)

299. D.J. Williams, Queenscliff - 1 case shells from Fiji

305. C. Retallack, Ballarat

314. William Henry Shaw, Ballarat - glass case

323. W. Longley, Ballarat - Botanical Specimen (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection)

327. W. H. Angove, Perth

337. J. Cosmo Newbery, B Sc, Melbourne

343. James Hector, M.D., New Zealand
353. R.S. Mitchell, Ballarat - 8 specimens live plants (medicinal) (for the Ballarat School of Mines Garden)

355. W. Magee, Ballarat - Sugar cane plants and seeds (for the Ballarat School of Mines Garden)

363. James Hector, Wellington, new Zealand

371. William Wesley, 28 Essex St, Strand, London - Scientific book circular

380. Jacob Upfold (deceased) per favor of the trustees - bequest of steam engine indicator and belongings (boothe and case)

381. Joseph Mitchell, 22 Macarthur Street, Ballarat - sod of turf cut from Warboy's High Few, County Huntingdon, England, 1872.

394. W.H. Barnard

401. James Orr

418. F. Ratte, Sydney

440. Alfred Mica Smith, Sandhurst (Bendigo), Inaugural Address, delivered to the Bendigo School of Mines Science Society, June 20. 1881 by P.H. Macgillivray, MA, MRCS, FLS, President. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection)

446. C. C. Shoppee, Ballarat

462. Dr Bunce, Ballarat

468. James Black, Mining Manager "Kerrit Bureet'

479. J.S. North, Mining Manager No. 2 Queen Co, Black Hill Ballarat.

505. Smith Tibbitts - A block of ancient leaves from the Nigtingbool Estate near Haddon on the Ballarat district from shaft 80 feet deep. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection)

512. F.W. Niven, Ballarat - "A Handy Book to Tasmania"

522. James Hector, Wellington, New Zealand

549. C.E. Grainger, Manager Ballarat Woollen Mills - samples of dyed and raw wools

600. (4 July 1882) Henry Sutton, Ballarat - 13th annual report of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain; 2 papers from the Proceedings of the Royal Society, nos 217 and 218- 1882, "One a new electrical storage battery by Henry Sutton, Ballarat, Victoria.

608. H. Glenny J.P., Ballarat - Specimen of Asbestos from Tasmania

610. M.H. Edelmann, Munich, Germany

674. W.H. Shaw, Phoenix Foundry - Steel boring 95 feet long taken from bed-plate of locomotive engine.

675 - H.R. Hancock J.P. pre favour Mr James Pryor, Moonta Mines

676. Baron Ferdinand Von Mueller KCMG, etc, Melbourne

678. E.F.A. Gaunt, Royal Navy, H.M.S. Nelson, per favour Lyde Gaunt - Specimen of manganese ore from the mines - Russell - New Zealand

728. Dr Pinnock, Ballarat

760. Simon Morrison, Ballarat

784. James Shugg, Hamilton - 1 case

fossils from Muddy Creek, near Hamilton. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection)
786. W. Bolam (inspector of Schools), Melbourne - 2 spears and 1 fishing prong Fijian

806. James Oddie, Ballarat

708. Henry G. Hanks, San Francisco

786. W. Bolam (Inspector of Government Schools Melbourne) - 2 spears and one fishing prong Fijian

824. Henrique Gorceixm Onro Preto, Brazil

840. W. Laplau, Ballarat - Gas furnace with a large assortment of fittings, also large gas holder and oil-heating apparatus

854. Robert Borch, Main Road, Ballarat - Improved safety chain (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection)

928. James Oddie

944. James P. Munroe, Registrar, Massachusetts

952. L.E. Cutter per favour of Mr F.J. Martell - Unexploded bomb shell from the Eureka Stockade

957. H. Glenny, Hobart

962. George Hart, Ballarat - eagle

976. Henry Sutton, Ballarat - 1 volume "Plattner on the Blowpipe"

978. J.W. Flatow, 45 Madeline Street, Carlton, Melbourne

984. Charles C Shoppee Ballarat - Copies of ancient coins

989-95 - Specimens from Moonta, South Australia

985. W.H. Wooster BOlwarra - books microscope related

1179. James Oddie - Live hedgehog

1181 C. Crisp, Bacchus Marsh, Portugal Copper Coin, 1785

1248 James Oddie, Solomon Islands - Bow and arrows & Spears

1285. C. Colyer, Smythesdale

1327. John L. McKenna, Smeaton - Fragment of Stone Axe.

1395. Mrs O. Skoglund, Nerrina

1428. Daniel Brophy, Ballarat - Collection of mineral specimen form Silverton (Collected by Mrs James Murray)

1442. Henry Sutton, Ballarat - Specimens of fossil fruits collected at Haddon by Charles Brown.

1444. Mining Department - Underground Mine Workings from Band of Hope and others.

1517. W.H. Wooster, Ballarat

1592. Bishop of Ballarat - Stone Axe and other native items

1669. H. McHaffier, Napoleons - 1 Spanish silver coin

1681. James Oddie, Dunedin

1688. W. Burbridge, Ballarat - Native Tomahawk from Metung

1708. A. Doepel, Ballarat

1712. Marty Guerin, Ballarat

1735. Bella Guerin. M.A., Ballarat - Copy Wide Awake Vol 1 No 7 May 28th 1887 and The Bulletin, March 19th 1887.

1747. Bella Geurin M.A., Ballarat - Copy Wide Awake Vol 1 No 8 June 4 1887

1751. Bella Geurin M.A., Ballarat - Copy Wide Awake Vol 1 No 9 June 11th 1887

1842. Linnean Society, London England - Charter, By Laws, Proceedings, Transactions, Journals

1853. W.J. Corbould, Silverton, NSW - chloride of silver from Pinnacles, Broken Hill, Silverton

1888. W. J. Corbould, Sample of metallic silver from Silverton, NSW

1928. E. Morey, Ballarat - Steam Engine

1937. Henry Sutton A.S.I.E., Ballarat - Plate Electric Machine, chimes and Sportman (number crossed out)

1951. Henry Sutton A.S.I.E., Ballarat - Plate Electric Machine, chimes and Sportman

1981. Harrie Wood (per W.H.B.[Barnard?), Ballarat

1996. W.H. Shaw, Phoenix Foundry - Papers "The Vict Engineer July 1887, May June July August 1888 and others
2014. Harrie Wood, Sydney - Report Department of Mines, 1887

2027. W.J. Bechervaise - Copy of Book by Baldwin Spencer

2034. A.G. Randall - Native Hatchet

2045. W.H. Corbould, Silverton, Collection of silver ores

2051. Fowler, Tarnagulla - Native Tomahawk

2123-2131. James Oddie, London

2163. Roff. F. Taplier, Sturt Street - Native Tomahawk

2178. Syd. Johnson, Meredith - Native Tomahawk, Greenstone

2184. Mr Tupp for Hall - Native Spear and Club
2292. Emmanuel Steinfeld, Melbourne

2313. A. Atwood, Rowlands Factory, Dana Street

2361. Dr Pinnock, Ballarat - Collection of Living Sponges

2363. P. Curnow, Ballarat - Piece of wood with stone naturally embedded

2364. R. Dowling, Waubra

2875. Mrs C, Flude, Ballarat - Collection of (5) mineral specimens

3460. Joseph Weir, Ballarat - Sample of rolled Annibar

3466. J. Hart, Ballarat - Native Shield - supposed to have been made by King Billy

4784. Mr. O. Woolnaugh, Pleasant Street - Four Native Tomahawks

6469. L. Balhausen, Ballarat

3472. John English, Smeaton - three samples of auriferous wash dirt

3607. Columbia College, New York - Handbook of Information of the Columbia College in the Ciry of New York 1892-3.

3672. L.A. Samuels, Bendigo

3724. P. Paperhagen

3736. The Late Rivett Henry Bland per John Noble Wilson - Collection of mineral specimens and fossils

3752. G.A. Denny, South Africa

3755. J. Carroll, Ballarat - Specimen of Native bread found in Ballarat East.

4765. J. Donnelly, Springs, Bungaree

I. Fowler, Coolgardie, Specimen of Gold Bearing Quartz

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