Historical information

On 21 November 1959 yet another special train was run, this time on a G41 engine showing the sign "Puffing Billy Preservation Society, Beech Forest, 25-11-59", with eight NBH excursion carriages and a guard's van. The train stopped at Beech Forest where people removed themselves and wandered around the station. Mixed goods wagons loaded with wood and louvred van rest in the background. Note the delta or 'scissors' crossover between lines in the centre of the picture.

Physical description

B/W. Beech Forest Railway Station with a G41 locomotive, showing the sign "Puffing Billy Preservation Society, Beech Forest, 25-11-59" on track number one, mixed goods trucks on track number three, passengers throughout, and the delta or scissors crossover line, at 21 November 1959.