Historical information

The clock was the original clock located over the bar in the Orbost Club Hotel. In 1884 J.A. Petterson built the first Orbost Club Hotel with the licence in the name of Thomas Maguire (his stepson). This hotel was the first in the area and cost 1,400 pounds to build (ref. In Times Gone By - Deborah Hall) and was actually built before Orbost was proclaimed a township - April 17 1885
The R A on the pendulum stands for: retard/advance. It is a common pendulum bob, used by many manufacturers, worldwide.
Regulator clocks, sometimes referred to as pendulum clocks, were invented in the late 18th century in a quest for greater timekeeping accuracy. They were weight-driven devices. The pendulum on this clock appears to be German made.


The Orbost Club Hotel was the first hotel built in the Orbost district and was an important hub for the township with many whole town meetings held there.

Physical description

A wall clock with Roman numerals inside a dark brown wooden case. It has a brass pendulum and the key is inside the case.

Inscriptions & markings

R A on the pendulum.