Magazine - Booklet, J.A. Hoskin & Son, Quadrangle: Magazine of the Girls and Boys of the Junior Technical School Ballarat, 1958, 1958

Historical information

The 1958 edition of 'Quadrangle' was the first published as the new magazine of the Ballarat Junior Technical School. Formerly the Ballarat Junior Technical School occupied a few pages at the back of the Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine. In this year the Ballarat Junior Technical School's 'brother' school, Ballarat North Technical School, was publishing its own magazine called 'Green Acres'.

Articles include

Physical description

Grey/Blue soft covered magazine of 54 pages.

Contents include: Past staff/students (Mr Whitla, Mr Hewitt, Mr Cowan, Mr Reeve, Mr Wilcock, Bullarto Camp Report, Bright Camp, Windmill Ruin (B. McLennan), Phelan Homes Competition, Baseball, Basketball, softball, Athletics, Cricket, Open Age Football, Cross Country, Your Badge, Mr Steane Recalls.

An explanation of the Ballarat School of Mines Coat of Arms is given, and the first Ballara Junior Technical School Principal, Albert W. Steane recalls the early days of the school.

Images include: Prefects, Dick Richards, Tank Stand Bullarto (linocut), cadets, Under 14 Football Team; Girls forms 1,2, and 4, Softball, Basketball, netball, hockey; Craig's Royal Hotel

Inscriptions & markings

.2) cover "Mr A.W. Steane. Eyre St Ballarat"

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