Article - Rosemont, Kooyong Road, 112A, Caulfield North

Historical information

Eight items about this property:
Handwritten notes from 1870 Caulfield rate book along with list of owners 1870-1890; unsigned and undated.
Short history of Rosemont from 1860’s with owners listed up to 1895. Includes description of land and architectural features of house with sketch of pillar. Unsigned and undated with both typed and handwritten information.
Unsigned and undated note (original and photocopy) about 112 Kooyong Road and Rosemont’s changing address over time.
Photocopy of Andrew Ward’s Heritage Study (two pages) on 112 Kooyong Road (rear) describing significance, history and description of property. Includes photo.
Online print without photo of same Heritage Study with handwritten note about brick exterior provided by owner/occupier to compiler Andrew Frederick 2010.
Excerpt from Caulfield’s Building Heritage p.47-48 Volume 1 by Dr. Geulah Solomon about Rosemont giving description and history (start of entry on page 46 omitted). Added by Claire Barton date unknown.
Notes taken by Andrew Frederick from Caulfield Heritage Vol.1 pages 47-9 re history; and from Sands and McDougall Directories of 1874, 1903, 1911, 1913 and 1923; plus 1913 entry in Vict. P.O Directory. These show house numbers and owners for those periods.
Three pages of plans relating to Rosemont covering ground and first floors.

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