Document - Elsternwick District Bowling Club (E.D.B.C.)

Historical information

This file contains eight items.
“A Short Outline of the History of the E.D.B.C.” Photocopy of typewritten history of the club, one page from 1909 to 1982, noting important events and personalities.
Handwritten notes from Southern Cross newspaper, 08/05/1909 and 10/04/1909 about meetings to establish the club, into lists of office-bearers.
Three photocopies of a group photo of members of the E.D.B.C., undated but probably 1910-14. No caption but verse of one copy states Early Days E.D.B.C.
Photocopy of one page from 500 Victorians, Centenary Edition, 1934, on Arthur Apps, J.P. “Mortician” with cartoon portrait, noting that he is now associated with the Elsternwick District Bowling Club.
Mounted photograph of Opening Day of the Elsternwick District Bowling Club 1934, handwritten on the reverse, of the raising of the flag for new club building.
Mounted photograph of Elsternwick District Bowling Club Opening Day. Previous label on file states that it shows the presentation of a small trophy “Kitty” to Mayor H.C.H. Smith and Mayoress on opening day 1934.
Photocopy of printed R.S.V.P. invitation from Elsternwick District Bowling Club for meeting of Official Opening of the Green and 75th Anniversary of the Club Opening 31/08/1984. The page states that the original Invitation in file 1204A with note on back.
Ten mounted original colour photographs on five pages of Opening of the Green, presumably 31/08/1984 but no date is given, of presentations and speeches by office-bearers and photographs of members, identified by handwritten names written under each photograph. Backing used in this file states that it contains History of Elsternwick District Bowling Club 1909-1951 but this is not included.

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