Book, Merry and Bright, c1933

Historical information

The Percy Uebergang family lived at Tooram Park, Allansford from 1912 until 1992. This book is part of the collection of items given into the care of the Cheese World Museum.
Uebergang catalogue No.M1704
The book was given to Joyce Uebergang as a Christmas present from her aunt.

Physical description

Children's picture book with full colour cover featuring a yellow border. The front cover shows two Negro children sitting on a gate; the girl is dressed in blue with a yellow headscarf, the boy is dressed in yellow striped trousers, red and white spotted shirt and is playing a banjo. The title 'Merry and Bright' is red with yellow shadowing. The back cover shows two boys in a bedroom boxing one another, together with a wee black and tan dog.

Inscriptions & markings

To Joyce from Auntie Aggie Xmas 1933/This book belongs to Joyce Uebergang

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