Historical information

This postcard was sent from France during World War One WW1 to Violet Holmes [mother and aunty of other WW1 soldiers], by the son of a neighbouring Ascot Tourello District Family, the Wrigley Family.
Violet inherited "Sauchieburn" an Ascot property on the death of her husband William Holmes in 1914. On her death this property was to be left to their 4 children and administered by a relative till the youngest child turned 27.
As young boys, Violet's husband William, and his brother Henry, lived with their Aunt Catherine Coghill and Uncle William Coghill at ‘Sauchieburn’ Ascot. The Coghills had no children of their own. He and his brother Edward started a stock and station business at Clunes. Henry and Violet Holmes subsequently inherited "Sauchieburn" from Catherine (nee Holmes) and William Coghill, direct descendants of the Coghills Creek, Ascot, Tourello pioneer settler Captain William Coghill [Jane Dyer, May 2024]

Catherine and her brother Edward Carter Holmes drowned at sea.This is an extract from the Korumburra Times, Wednesday June 6, 1956:
The fated travellers wrecked off N.S.W.
‘On May 29th, 1886 in bright moonlight the Ly-e-Moon, the pride of the Australian coastal fleet, broke her back on the treacherous rocks of Green Cape, off the NSW coast.
Eighty souls perished within range of the beacon rays of the lighthouse, including representatives of the earliest families ever to settle in Poowong.

The passengers. On the main deck, Mr Edward Holmes, a Poowong grazier and former owner of ‘Wombalano’. He had sold this property with the object of going to Queensland and settling there. The proceeds of sale amounting to 1,200 pounds in gold sovereigns were under lock and key in the Purser's Office.
Mr Holmes, although advanced in years, had unformed plans to invest his money in some Queensland enterprise. In the meantime he would visit his married daughter and [his] two sons, who had previously settled in Queensland. With him on board was his widowed sister Mrs Coghill who had also accepted an invitation to go north. News of the shipwreck, means of communication being slow, did not reach Korumburra for nearly a week. By then all hope had been abandoned for the missing. Relations and friends thronged the Melbourne shipping office, but the answer was always the same - All passengers unaccounted for were presumed drowned.

Physical description

Black and white postcard of a sugar refinery in The Somme, France. The name of the town has been scrubbed out in purple pencil by a censor during World War One. The back of the card is written on in pencil,

Inscriptions & markings

Written on back of card:
Dear Violet,
received photos and letters and thank you for forwarding same. Are we having lovely spell of weather. This morning is quite warm and pleasant. The photo of you all standing in front of your house is a good one and you all look to be getting enough to eat. Mother looks as if she it getting stronger after her severe illness. Your concert party will be broken up through the Vale girls leaving but you should have no difficulty in finding volunteers to fill the ranks. By all of your letters you are all looking forward to the day we return 9as we are). I wouldn't like to bet too much that we would be home by this time next year [ ? ] by the way fritz is fighting lately he would very much like to get [peace?] I think we will give him all he wants this summer. J. Waller was here last night is looking well. With best wished to you all. I am sincerely. [W.Wrigbee? Wrigley]