Postcard - Black and White, La Rue de Dunkerque a la grand Place, Armentiers, c1916, c1917

Historical information

Holmes Family WW1 memorabilia

Physical description

A number of people stand in a street surrounded by double storey architecture.

Inscriptions & markings

Verso: "Dear Willie, I promised to drop you a line, so he goes. Well at present I am in france having -a-go-at the Germans, and so far out Battery is getting on alright. But I must say the Germans greet us know and again with a few shells, and I can assure you they are no friends of mine. I have just been out watching the German anti-aircraft Guns shelling our Aeroplanes. it is a very lucky shot that brings one down. i have seen a little bit of the World since I left australia, And I must say I like france better than egypt. The country at present is looking very nice, it being Spring time, The grass is about 6 foot high, and nothing on it to eat it as most of the people have cleared out from around here. I have not seen anything of Harry over this way as yet. Perhaps he is still in Egypt. Well Willie now about taking another cow to Clunes. Ay What. The name on the front of this card should be familiar to you in the War news. Well Willie Au revoir for present. remember me to all. Your fond cousin, Ron W."

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