Historical information

Holmes Family WW1 memorabilia

Kemmel village is around six miles south-west of Ypres. Located just to the north of the village centre is Kemmel Chateau Military Cemetery. The cemetery was established early in the war, in December 1914, taking its name from Kemmel Chateau which stood to the rear of the cemetery location. The chateau at certain stages in the war housed an Advanced Dressing Station (ADS), and the cemetery continued to be used until March 1918, when Kemmel was taken by the Germans. Although it was retaken later on that year, both the cemetery and the chateau suffered from shelling with the chateau being destroyed. In total there are 1,135 First World War soldiers buried here, all but three being identified. In addition, located in a row on the left by the entrance are 21 Second World War burials. http://www.ww1battlefields.co.uk/flanders/kemmel.html, accessed 11/07/2014)

Physical description

Two black and white postcards showing Kemmel, France.

.1) Grand'Place avec Kiosque permanent

.2) Le Belvedere et le Moulin