Physical description
Yellow and brown soft covered book with brown tapespine. Includes land use, recreation, agriculture, apiculture, vegetation, birds, water physiography, geology, climate, soils, fauna, land systems.
Block descriptions include Bethanga, granya, Lawson, Walwa,Pine Mountain, Mittamatite, Elliot, Bunroy, Wabba, Mount Cadgewa, ucyvale, Koetan, Burrowa.
Black and white images include Mitta Mitta arm, Corryong, Tallangatta, Lake Hume, Aboriginal rock shelter at Mount Porcupine, Koetong uplands, Mitta Mitta massif, bandicoot, wombat, skink, Flaggy Creek plateau, Walwa, Murray Cod, Thowgla, emu, grasstree,