Award - Victorian Farm Entrepreneur Awards 1999, 1999

Historical information

Elmac Hydroponics operated at Allansford from 1997 to 2004, growing tomatoes hydoponically. The owners were Keith Ellerton and Graeme MacLeod. There were 2000 Square metres of hothouses with over 5000 plants. This trophy from the Victorian farm Entrepreneur Awards was for the use of a system called autopots. This system relied upon a process of automatic watering through valves at the bottom of the pots.


The growing of vegetables hydoponically was a relatively new and innovative system of agriculture. The Elmac business proved that it could be done in the climate of the region.

Physical description

Timber shield shape with bevelled edge, painted dark maroon with engraved brass metal plaque.

Inscriptions & markings

Victorian Farm Entrepreneur Awards 1999 Regional Winner South West Elmac Hydoponics

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