Artwork, other - Bookmark, 1915

Historical information

This bookmark may have belonged to, and was possibly made by, Miss Mary Leviny, the eldest of the Leviny sisters, who was a founding member of the Castlemaine Red Cross.
This bookmark was found in the book 'Half Mile Down' by William Blake (Reg. No. 1081).


A rare, intact memento of Australia Day in the form of a gum leaf made into bookmark. It was possibly sold as a fundraiser for the newly formed Red Cross in Castlemaine to aid the war efforts abroad during World War One.

Physical description

Hand-paInted bookmark made from a gum (eucalyptus) leaf. P
Gum leaf with stem. Inscribed in white "Australia Day/1915" and painted with a red cross. A length of narrow ribbon, red, white and blue has been inserted, folded through a slit near the base, used as a book mark.

Inscriptions & markings

Inscribed in white "Australia Day/1915"

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