Physical description

A Wright & Ditson 'All American' model composite wood racquet with open throat and octagonal handle. Spiral-wrapped perforated grip tape sealed onto handle with plastic tape. Striped plastic reinforecments and bronze paint around shoulders. Green painted section on shaft with gold writing on obverse: WRIGHT & DITSON/CHAMPIONSHIP QUALITY and on reverse is manufacturer's name and icon. Manufacturer's name and racquet model also printed in cursive script across base of head on both sides of racquet. Leather end wrap and 'WD' printed on butt. On obverse and reverse, manufacturer's name is printed as decal across base of head. Obverse and reverse both feature model name and eagle symbol across shaft. On one side of shaft in green section:'PAT. NO.1664466'. At base of throat on each side of racquet is featured a shield symbol with letters: 'WD'. In marker on shoulder, probably owner's initials: HCP. Materials: Wood, Metal, Lacquer, Glue, Ink, Leather, String, Nylon, Plastic, Paint
