Photograph - William Box b 1834, c1880

Historical information

William Box, was born in Withyham, Sussex England in 1834 and married Elizabeth Avis Box in 1855 . They sailed to Australia in the same year aboard the SS Omega.
At first they rented a block of land on Jasper Road East Brighton ( now McKinnon / Ormond) that was part of the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841. An early settlers’ Cottage on the site became their home and they farmed the land and were soon able to purchase the block. William & Elizabeth raised 13 children and the Cottage was extended as required.
In 1984 that early settler cottage was found in a dilapidated state by Laurie Lewis, in his Timber Yard in Jasper Rd Ormond. The Moorabbin City Council, Federal Government, Mr Lewis and CMHS members reconstructed the Cottage in 1985 .


Box Cottage Museum, a reconstruction of an early settler hut, is named after the Box family who resided there 1865 -1913 . William Box with his wife Elizabeth Avis and 13 children lived and farmed on the block of land in Jasper Road, East Brighton ( now McKinnon / Ormond) that was part of the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841.
Inscribed in Album : “ The early photos in this album were found by Mr (Laurie) Lewis when he was demolishing the Old Box Cottage. He gave them to Mrs Avis Box Eldridge who in turn gave them to me. They were not identified. I believe they rightly belong in the Cottage. I have attempted to identify them and present them in a way they can be preserved as a historical record of the era.” A B Leigh

Physical description

Album with portrait photos of Box Family

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