Historical information

Else Oertel was an internee in Camp 3A from 1940-1945. Else (a German) was interned in the same compound as many Italians. Her Italian neighbours, Mr & Mrs Manlio & Henrietta Pecchioni presented this prayer book to her in memory of their internment together. This & other items were donated by her daughter, Else-Lore.

Physical description

Prayer book in Italian language. Book with black cover. Red writing on front cover: "L'Amico del Prigioniero". 486 pages.

Inscriptions & markings

Inside front cover: C/O of D. Mazzieri Via Vittorio Emanuele 42 Parma Italia|Frontispage: To my Friend with my love. Eta(?) Pecchioni.|Frontispage, again: Inscription in Italian, believed to read "To our dear, kind Friend & companion of misadventure", M. Pecchioni, (internment number) 25234, Tatura 26.7.43