Historical information

The inscription in the brick was made by Lanzinger a German internee who escaped several times from Camp 1, recaptured and placed in Camp 4 gaol. The brick was recovered by the Stanhope Museum, where it is now on display. The curator of the Museum contacted Tatura Museum for information about Lanzinger, and was advised that Lanzinger's daughter ( Ann Flegel) had visited Tatura Museum and Camp 1, from Canada. A photo of the brick was forwarded from Stanhope to Flegels, who in turn forwarded it to Josef Friedrich whom she had made contact with through the Tatura Museum. Friedrich then forwarded a copy of the photo to Tatura Museum.

Physical description

Colour photo of common red brick with inscriptions carved by and named Lanzinger, a date in 1941,and two swastikas.