Historical information

Photos loaned for copying.
Collection of photos loaned from Estate of Charlie Hogan.|Photo 1.Mick Hogan; Mrs. Hogan & Charlie Hogan.|Photo 2. Nora Keane whose mother was a Hogan.|Photo 3. Mick Hogan & Thomas Flanagan snr,, Hilston, early 1900s.|Photo 4. Ray Glover; Norm Doncon, Charlie Hogan &Tom Cornish.|Photo 5. Ray Glover; Bill Mitchell &Tom Hunter.|Photo 6. James & Annie Brady. James son ofJames & Julia. Annie, dau. of Thomas & Annie Hogan.|Photo 7. Jack O'Toole & Charlie Hogan.|Photo 8. Georgie Hing, thought to have been the Chinese market gardener at the Whim Inn corner, and who was killed while riding his bike.|Photo 9. Hogan Street building of Stan Tudor & Kilpatrick & McLellan, stock and station agent. Building now owned by Dawes & Vary, Solicitors.|Photo 10 & 11. Tatura Coursing Club 1926. St. Ledger Plumpton Coursing won by Ryan Bros.|Photo 12 & 13. In two halves. Rodney Irrigation Trust Commissioners and staff, possibly in front of original Tatura Mechanics Institute building. (Mick Cussen third from left seated; Thomas Hogan white beard seated with legs crossed. Billie Wilson snr. standing at rear left side.)|Photo 14. Group in front of Catholic church, c. 1925, boy on left thought to be Charlie Hogan.