reference, June 20 1916

Historical information

This reference is part of the Lawless Collection. The Lawless family lived in Orbost from 1907 - c 1920. John Francis Lawless had a saddlery shop. He died at an early age - 47 years - June 7 1912, leaving his wife, Elizabeth and seven children. The eldest son, Victor Rowland lawless volunteered for serv ice in WW1 but did not leave Australia because of illness. The second son, Edward Vincent Lawless (b 1895 d 1917) worked for McCoy & Co. in Orbost, coachbuilding, undertakers, general blacksmiths and farriers, prior to enlisting in WW1. He was trained as a signaller and was sent to France where he was killed in action on 9.10.1917. Elizabeth Lawless worked as a ladies' nurse (midwife) in Orbost prior to leaving the district in 1920. She lived to 6.6.1975 aged 104 years.


These personal documents, photographs and books give an insight into the human element of World War 1 ensuring that those who were part of the Orbost community and died while playing a vital role during this time are remembered.

Physical description

A photocopy of a reference given to Edward Lawless when he enlisted for service in WW1.It is signed by J.Y. McCoy his employer.

Inscriptions & markings

Signed by J. Y. McCoy
General Blacksmiths
Wolseley Street
June 20 1916

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