Historical information

This is number 20 of 27 items in the Daisy Vickers collection of World War One memorabilia. These items were sent or given to Daisy Ogier (nee Vickers) during World War One by Corporal Arthur Anderson who enlisted from Warrnambool in 1915 at the age of 21. He served in Egypt and France and returned to Australia in 1919.
Daisy Ogier (1907-1987) was a student and then a teacher at Warrnambool Technical School with her early teaching years there from 1925 to 1936 and in 1949. She became the head mistress from 1950 to 1963 and in 1968. She officially retired in 1976. Daisy Vickers was one of the best loved and dedicated teachers that the school ever had. She married the Reverend Fred Ogier and continued her association with the school after her husband's death.


This card is interesting because of its association with World War One and two local people Daisy Vickers and Arthur Anderson

Physical description

This is a piece of paper folded in two to make four pages. Two pages have printed lettering and handwriting . Two pages have black and white photographs of the basilica in Albert, France.

Inscriptions & markings

1 - ALBERT (Somme) La Basilique de Notre Dame de Brebieres aujourd' hui detruite par les Allemands . The Basilica of N.D. de Brebieres today destroyed by the Germans.
Dear Daisy Just to let you know I received the scarf you sent. It came in very useful during the cold weather especially when there were plenty of snow and ice around. Arthur
Miss Daisy Vickers, Bushfield Post Office Victoria