Historical information

This 1890 document contains the will and probate papers of Benjamin Charles Jewell who died in 1889. English-born Benjamin Jewell was a Warrnambool stonemason who was the licensee of the Steam Packet Hotel (later Lady Bay Hotel) from 1883 to 1889. His executors were Christopher Beattie, a Warrnambool undertaker and James Tallent, manager of the Warrnambool Corporation Yards. Benjamin Jewell left his estate of property, household furniture and cattle to his wife, Ellen Jewell. The solicitor, Ernest Chambers, had his office in Kepler Street with Thomas Goodall, a legal clerk, managing this office.
Tait collection: item 9 of 62


This document is of interest because of its contents - the will and probate of Benjamin Jewell, a Warrnambool businessman of note in the 19th century - and because of its lawyer, Ernest Chambers, also well-known in Warrnambool at that time.

Physical description

This is a piece of parchment folded in two with a seal of the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria attached by a blue ribbon. The writing in handwritten in brown ink. One page is blank. There is some pencil writing at the top left hand corner. Apart from some discolouration the document is in good condition.

Inscriptions & markings

‘13/9 E.J.W. Chambers, 7241’