Historical information

Tait collection: item 41 of 62
This document gives the details of the Will and Probate of Henry Phillips who died in Warrnambool in 1895 at the age of 55. He came to Australia from England in 1861 and established a hay and corn store in Liebig Street, Warrnambool. He was a prominent member of the Congregational Church and lived at ‘Ilfracombe’ in Lava Street. He and his wife Emma had eight children, two of whom had businesses in Warrnambool. Henry Phillips left personal estate to the value of £521 and the beneficiaries were his wife, Emma and their children. This document came into the possession of a Warrnambool lawyer, Ernest Chambers and passed down to successive lawyers occupying legal premises in Kepler Street. The document was located in this building in 2014 in the former premises of the law firm of Mackay Taylor.


This document is of considerable importance as it contains details of the Will and Probate of Henry Phillips. He was a prominent businessman in Warrnambool in the 19th century. The document will be useful to researchers.

Physical description

This is a cream-coloured piece of parchment paper folded in two and containing the Will and Probate details of Henry Phillips, a Warrnambool hay and corn merchant who died in 1895. The document has handwritten material (black ink) on three sides of the paper. A seal of the Supreme Court of Victoria is attached with a green ribbon and there is one red stamp of the Master in Equity of the Supreme Court on the second page. The handwriting is fading in some places but is still legible.

Inscriptions & markings

In the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria In the Probate Jurisdiction In the Will of Henry Phillips late of Warrnambool in the Colony of Victoria Hay and Corn Merchant deceased