Historical information

Tait collection: item 42 of 62
This is a document giving details of the Will and Probate of Patrick White, a farmer from Codrington who died in 1883. He left personal estate to the value of £316, with the beneficiaries being his wife, Eleanor and his son George. The lawyer concerned with this document was Ernest Chambers who had legal offices in Port Fairy, Koroit and Warrnambool at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. He had possession of this document and it was passed down to successive lawyers occupying the legal premises in Kepler Street, Warrnambool and located in this Kepler Street building in 2014.


This document is of minor significance as Patrick White was not a resident of Warrnambool. The interest lies in the fact that the lawyer, Ernest Chambers, practised in Warrnambool in the 19th century

Physical description

This is a cream-coloured piece of parchment paper containing details of the Will and Probate of Patrick White of Codrington who died in 1883. The paper is folded in two and the edges of the pages have blue lines ruled on them. There is handwritten material (black ink) on three of the pages. The seal of the Supreme Court of Victoria is attached with olive-green ribbon and there are five red stamps of the Master in Equity of the Supreme Court. The writing is fading in places but the document is readable.

Inscriptions & markings

In the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria In the Probate Jurisdiction In the Will of Patrick White late of Codrington in the Colony of Victoria Farmer deceased