Historical information

Tait collection: item 59 of 62. This document gives details of the Will and Probate of Frederick Gazzard of Allansford who died in September 1901. Frederick Gazzard owned the ‘Tooram’ bacon and ham curing factory at the corner of Carrolls Road and Tooram Road in the Allansford area and employed six men. He was a founding member of the Allansford Church of England and lived with his family of seven children at ‘Como’, Allansford. He left real estate to the value of £1,440 and personal estate to the value of £1,664. The beneficiaries were his children, with his household effects and £200 going to his daughter, Ellen. She is believed to have taken an active role in the administration of the family factory. This document was drawn up in the office of William Ardlie, a prominent lawyer in Warrnambool for over sixty years. It has then been passed down to successive lawyers occupying legal premises in Kepler Street until it was located in these premises in 2014.


This document is of considerable interest as it gives details of the Will and Probate of Frederick Gazzard. He and his family were prominent and influential in the community life of Allansford in the 19th century.

Physical description

This is a cream-coloured piece of parchment paper folded in two with blue lines ruled at the edges of three of the pages. There is handwritten material (brownish-black ink) on three of the pages. A seal of the Supreme Court of Victoria is attached with green ribbon and there are six red stamps of the Master in Equity of the Supreme Court and one blue stamp of the Warrnambool Savings Bank. The writing is somewhat faded and the pages are stained but the text is legible. The document contains details of the Will and Probate of Frederick Gazzard of Allansford who died in 1901.

Inscriptions & markings

In the Supreme Court of Victoria In the Probate Jurisdiction in the Will of Frederick William Gazzard late of Allansford in the State of Victoria Bacon curer deceased