Historical information

Used at Manning Chemist, Flinders Street Railway Station, Melbourne until 1984.

Physical description

224.6 - Six flat square metal scruple weights of various denominations, with inscriptions back and front.

Inscriptions & markings

224.1 : on front 2 SCRUPLES C57, 'a crown' over E.R over 2 'a shield' 54, 'a crown' , L54 G67 E61 G67 D59 E63, on reverse ' эɥ ' G65
224.2 : on front 2 SCRUPLES C57, 'a crown' over E.R over 2 'a shield' 54, L54, 'a crown' F61 G67 C57 E63, on reverse ' ʓɥ ' D59 ?65
224.3 : on front 1 SCRUPLE , 'a crown' over E.R over 2 'a shield' 54, 'a crown' L over 54, F61, on reverse ' эᶥ ' C57 D59
224.4 : on front 1 SCRUPLE, 'a crown' over E.R over 2 'a shield' 54, 'a crown' L over 54 D59, on reverse ' эᶥ ' C57 F61
224.5 : on front 1/2 SCRUPLE D59 C??, on reverse, 'эfs ' L54, 'a crown' over E.R over 2 'a shield 54
224.6 : on front 1/2 SCRUPLE C57, on reverse, 'эfs ' L54, 'a crown, 'a crown' over E.R over 2 'a shield 54.