Historical information

The international cards depict a range of view of items such as nature shots of America to photos of abbeys and cathedrals in Europe and views in England Scotland and Ireland. The views in Australia are a similar eclectic mix from shots of the Melbourne cemetery to images of statues in the Ballarat gardens. By placing the card with two images of the same subject, in the stereoscope, it provided a three dimensional view of the photo.


Provides a snapshot of general interest items and views of early Australia and Australians.

Physical description

A collection of 76 cards with various scenes and topics. Each card displays two photos of the same view or item on various coloured card backgrounds. There is a mixture of sepia Black and white and coloured photographs.

Inscriptions & markings

A number of the cards with international scenes have typed on the reverse “Photographed and published by Kilburn Brothers Littleton N.H. Others depicting scenes in Australia are stamped Theodor Bloch.