Historical information

This novel, Jimmy of 'Murrumbar' by E.D. Oakley (Edward Daniel Oakley 1877-1962), is a children’s adventure story about an Australian indigenous boy who was educated in a mission and worked as a 'black tracker’ for the police to hunt down criminals in the bush and mountain region of the Grampian Ranges of Victoria.

Oakely's parents, Thomas and Eliza, had a farm in Warrnambool called 'Oakbank'. Oakley worked at various jobs in the local district and later had his own wheat farms. When he returned to Warrnambool to build commercial premises and work in the retail industry. His influence encouraged Fletcher Jones to open a shop in Warrnambool. His novel - Jimmy of 'Murrumbar' - was written after he retired.

The copy of the book in our collection does not have a publication date. The National Library of Australia lists two editions of this book, one dated 1938, the other is undetermined. It was published as part of a series called the Marcie Muir Collection of Australian children's books. No reference has been found to the author or any further works by him/her.

The novel was reprinted as a reproduction in 2017 as a paperback and a leather bound edition 'Classic Reprint' by Forgotten Books.


Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853, a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859;

"This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony."

The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first reading room in November 1884 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half-yearly or yearly basis.

Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'.

In 1856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read.

In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fundraising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute.

The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however, it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum.

In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former courthouse in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)).

In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art, and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915.

The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost.

When the original building was demolished the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.)

In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups:
-The new City Library took some of the historical books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers.
-The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum.
-The Historical Society has some items
-The State Museum has some items
-Some items were destroyed
-Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed artworks and some photographs.

The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value.


This novel is historically significant for its story, representing the changes to Australian Indigenous culture and life after colonisation. The book appears to be that this is the only work written by E.D. Oakley.
It is locally significant for being written by an early prominent Warrnambool family member.

Physical description

Jimmy of Murrumbar : A Story of the Amazing Ability and Fidelity of an Australian Black Tracker
Author: E D Oakley (Edward Daniel Oakley)
Publisher: Osboldstone & Co, Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia

Inscriptions & markings

The label on the spine with typed text R.A. 823 OAK
The front loose endpaper has a sticker from Warrnambool Children’s Library