Historical information

Matthew Hohner began manufacturing mouth organs in 1857 in Germany and became quite popular over the ensuing years with production reaching over 1 million units in the 1880’s. Control of the business passed to his sons around 1900. By 1920 the company was producing 20 million harmonicas a year. They sold to both sides of the conflict during the first world war. Other musical instruments were made by the company in the 20th century. Ernst Hohner retired from the firm in 1965 after 45 years at the healm.


Harmonicas and mouth organs were mass produced in the later part of the 19th and into the 20th century and as such are items with which many people can identify. It has social and cultural significance.

Physical description

The harmonica has chrome top and bottom with wooden section in middle. Box is bright pink with label depicting a musical band in tones of orange and black.

Inscriptions & markings

Harmonica has Jazz band and Made in Germany engraved on the top. The bottom has engravings M Hohner, Trade Mark Made in Ulm 1873.