Historical information

The State Electricity Commission of Victoria were the employers of the Kiewa Hydro Scheme. The work included building dams, power stations and the infrastructure for the work and their employees. Mt Beauty and Bogong village were the places where this scheme was built and where this photo shows part of its construction being Power Station 3. Originally there were 3 Hydro stations built from the 1930's onwards. The scheme finished being built in 1960 and is the biggest Hydro electricity scheme in Victoria.


This photo has good Historic significance: The construction of No. 3 Power Station which was part of the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme built by the State Electricity Commission of Victoria. Therefore is picture is very historically significant as it shows the power station at the time of its construction which is an important part of Victoria' development and history. Since Mt Beauty was established due to the Hydro scheme being built this photo has great interpretation capacity.

Physical description

This is a black and white photograph showing the power station and workmen's huts and storage huts, site manager's office and surrounding bush.
The photo is mounted on black painted 3 ply board.