Historical information

This meter belonged to the State Electricity Commission of Victoria. This meter measured the power used by all the houses in Mount Beauty and provided an inked one month period chart.
This information was used to quantify and pay for the power consumption to the Transmission and Generating Department from the Distribution Department which then went on to bill local consumers.


The State Electricity Commission of Victoria constructed the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme from the late 1930's to the 1960's. The construction towns of Bogong and Mt Beauty used electricity which was measured by this meter resulting in billing customers for the power they used.

Physical description

Black box with black painted wooden frame top and bottom screwed on holding clear glass at the front so that the instruments can be seen. A metal cylinder is at the bottom of the instruments with a connecting rod to the 7 digit meter in the middle of the instrument panel. In the middle of each end of the front of the box are 2 screws with knobs wound on.

Inscriptions & markings

22KV. BK. summation Chart 0-1 x 100,000