Historical information

This poster is advertising the launching of James Affleck’s Book, Stories Untold & Faces Forgotten.”This project started from the discovery of named photographs which were discovered behind an Honour Roll at the Koroit Primary School during renovations in 2009. These two volumes contain enlistments in the First World War, from the area of Koroit, Port Fairy, Macarthur, Penshurst and surrounding hamlets. It stretches from Codrington in the West through to Byaduk, Penshurst, Caramut in the north, and down though Woolsthorpe, Winslow and Dennington. It includes the personal family details, military records, photographs where possible, and fate of each soldier. Enlistments from the district numbered 250 men who paid the supreme sacrifice and 1100 who returned. It includes citations for bravery, excerpts from correspondence and local press.


This poster is a link to an important publication relating to the soldiers from the district who fought in World War 1.

Physical description

Photos of soldiers in tones of green and brown with title in white on a black background at the top of poster. Similarly author’s name is at the bottom of poster.