Physical description
Wooden framed wash board with zinc coated corrugated steel board insert. Wooden frame consists of two legs three supporting wooden rods on back side of tin board and top and bottom wooden slates. Tin board has small holes all throughout. On wooden top the "Advantages of the board" are printed.
Inscriptions & markings
Printed on wood on top of back side of board. "Advantages of this board. 1. No "Protector" is Needed. The water goes through the holes and never wets the apron of the operator. 2. The holes enable you to rapidly force both air and suds through the fabric, and so hasten the cleaning process. 3. The nicely "arched" surface is much easier to wash on than the orsinary flat surface. 4. Is, light, strong, durable, always retains its shape and never sags. 5. Has no board back to retain moisture and corrode the zinc. 6. Is very easy on the clothes. Do not have to rub them all to pieces to get them clean. Soon pays for itself on this count alone. 7. Is not only THE FASTEST WORKER IN USE, but is already coming into more general demand than any other wash board in the world. 8. If the saving of a womens strength is worth anything the labour saving qualities of this board would make it well worth $1.00. Always RUB LIGHTLY and find how easily the board itself will do a part of the work. TAYLOR, SC