Historical information

The State Electricity Commission of Victoria constructed the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme. Their public relations employees published booklets to promote the Scheme and the area. In this booklet there are photos of some of the major work constructions with an explanation of how they work and their purpose, a map of the Scheme and an article and photos of tourist facilities and activities that are available.


This booklet promotes the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme and tourism indicating that tourism was recognised as a new industry for the area. The photos give a pictorial history of the area eg. skiing using the Summit T-bar lift and includes the facilities available at the time. The explanation of the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme is a basic resource for students interested in Hydro power.

Physical description

Slim booklet with photo of McKay Creek Power Station on the front cover and the title in brown and black at the top. Printed along the spine is State Electricity Commission of Victoria.