Historical information
This stamp was used for official correspondence, minutes etc by the Warrnambool 150th Anniversary Committee in 1997. The occasion was the 150th anniversary year of the establishment of Warrnambool in 1847. The President of the Committee was Frank Jacobs and the Secretary was Gordon Reid. The donor of the stamp was a member of the Co-ordinating Committee.
This stamp is part of the collection of items from Warrnambool’s 150th celebrations in 1997. It has no intrinsic value but the stamp may be used for future historical exhibitions.
Physical description
This is a modern self-inking stamp which stamps out ‘Warrnambool 150th Anniversary Co-ordinating Committee’. It is made of black and grey plastic with a red button and blue and black printing. It is in a cardboard box which contains an explanatory brochure.
Inscriptions & markings
Stamp – ‘Warrnambool 150th Anniversary Co-ordinating Committee’
Side – Trodat, Printy 4913