Historical information

This book looks at the war memorials in Australia and traces the development of the Anzac cult and the reasons that the war memorials are increasingly cherished in Australian society. It is an important treatise on a unique aspect of Australia cultural life.


The book has relevance to all Australians as an exploration of an important aspect of our lives today. It is of some relevance specifically to Warrnambool as there are several references to the Warrnambool War Memorial

Physical description

This is a paperback book of 521 pages. The cover is multi-coloured with an image of an Australian soldier on the front and spine.

Inscriptions & markings

Front cover – ‘Multi Award Winner’, ‘Sacred Places’, ‘War Memorials in the Australian Landscape’, ‘K.S.Inglis’
Spine – ‘Sacred Places’, ‘Inglis’
Back cover - Critics’ comments on the book and publication details
