Book - Textbook, Pitman's Business Typing, 1937

Historical information

This Pitman’s Business Typing textbook was owned by Audrey Sack and was donated by David Sack at the same time as a typewriter in its case plus accessories (refer to RN 3087).

Audrey was the daughter of William Sack, owner of the business Sacks Jewellers at 115 Liebig Street, Warrnambool. William commenced trading in the early 1900’s; and the typewriter was used by Audrey in the business from the late 1930’s through to about 1996 when the business was sold.

William and his wife June had three children, Eric, Audrey and David. The children were owners/partners of Sack’s Jewellers after William’s passing in 1976. Eric and David were ‘owners of the business’, with Audrey carrying out much of the clerical work. Eric died in about 1984 and David sold the practise in 1996.

During the 65 years of business the typewriter was used for all the normal applications of a jeweller’s; preparing invoices, guarantees, taxation records. But in addition the four members of the Sack family were very involved in Church activities, particularly in lay administration and lay preaching in the Baptist Church, and the typewriter gained a lot of after-hours use. The family actively supported overseas Missions in India, SE Asia, and Africa.

After the sale of the business in 1996, Audrey took the typewriter home for her community activities (David got a computer).

In the 1980’s David volunteered as the Clock Repairer at Flagstaff Hill for the historical instruments. In the early days this took some long hours to get the clocks working, but in recent years he has just been ‘on call’ if needed. He is an alert 85 year old and just in the last 12 months has given up a busy schedule of Sunday Lay Preaching around the district. (2015)


The textbook is associated with the typewriter, which is of local significance, being previously owned and used in a local business for about 100 years.

Physical description

Textbook, "Pitman's Business Typing". Brown paper covered, hard cover, published in 1937. Book has attached cord to enable it to stand during use. Book belonged to Audrey Sack.

Inscriptions & markings

Handwriten name "Audrey Sack, … Warrnambool …WHS" (Warrnambool High School) 18/8/15"

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