Bottle, Felton Grimwade & Duerdins Ltd, Bottle of Potassium Permanganate, Using the company name, it dates between 1929 and the early 1950s

Historical information

"Potassium permanganate is an inorganic chemical compound with the chemical formula KMnO4. It is a salt consisting of K+ and MnO−4 ions. Formerly known as permanganate of potash or Condy's crystals, it is a strong oxidizing agent. It dissolves in water to give intensely pink or purple solutions, the evaporation of which leaves prismatic purplish-black glistening crystals. (Which is what in contained in the bottle.) As an oxidant, potassium permanganate can act as an antiseptic. For example, dilute solutions are used to treat canker sores (ulcers), disinfectant for the hands and treatment for mild pompholyx, dermatitis, and fungal infections of the hands or feet.
Potassium permanganate is used extensively in the water treatment industry. Historically it was used to disinfect drinking water.
(From Wikipedia)"

Physical description

Eight sided, rectangular, clear glass bottle containing grey filings. It is closed with a cork, which is probably broken off. Label indicates Potassium Permanagate manufactured by Felton, Grimwade & Duerdins Ltd.

Inscriptions & markings

"POTASSI PERMANGANATE."/"POISON"/"Felton Grimwade & Duerdins Ltd." on label on front. There are numbers in the glass on the bottom: "1608 M" and small difficult to read letters.

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