Teapot, 1908

Historical information

Replica of Wedgewood Wesley teapots made by Sir Josiah Wedgewood 1761 at Etruna, England and presented to John Wesley. Reproduced in 1908. The original teapot is in Wesley House, London.


Replica of Wedgewood Wesley teapots made by Sir Josiah Wedgewood 1761 at Etruria, England and presented to John Wesley. Reproduced in 1908. The original teapot is in Wesley House, London.

Physical description

White porcelain Wedgwood-Wesley teapot with blue transfers. Teapot registration number 7.1; lid registration number 7.2.

Inscriptions & markings

'Be present at our Table Lord, Be here and everywhere ador'd, These creatures blefs & grant that we
May feast in Paradice with thee'


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