S. Lucy A. Lewis Exercise book - Graphic Illustrations, 1864-1866

Historical information

These are exercise books belong to the first pupil of the then Victorian Deaf and Dumb Institution.

Physical description

A slim soft covered exercise book with brown, red and blue marbelling on cover, red binding over spine within a red hard cover added at a later time. Contains, handwritten in ink, by Lucy Lewis, the first pupil of the Victorian Deaf and Dumb Institution, a series of "essays" on various topics, poetry, etc. some seeming to be inspired by pictures.

Inscriptions & markings

On hard cover "GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS / S.L.A. LEWIS / 1865-1866" Inside of soft cover exercise book "S.L.A. Lewis / July 1864/To June 1866" In pencil "To/Dear Lollie/ As a keepsake from /Lucy/April 5 1928"

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