Historical information
This is a docket issued by Warrnambool Cordials Pty Ltd in 1935 to the Warrnambool Club. Warrnambool Cordials was originally established in the early 1920s by the Lescai Brothers who had their business in Fairy Street. A company of local businessmen took over the cordial factory for some time when the Lescai brothers left the city, then it was purchased by a garage proprietor, Thomas Hill, and in the early 1930s Charles and Frederick Flett purchased the business and carried it on for a few years. It was later operated by Thomas McKenzie before it was closed. It was still operating in 1975 when it was manufacturing Loys and McKenzie’s soft drinks. It is noted that this docket contains the information that the Warrnambool Cordials business was a winner of a Bronze Medal for lemonade at the Royal Show in 1931. The Warrnambool Club, established in 1874 when the Warrnambool Club Hotel in Kepler Street was opened, was a gentleman’s club. A new Warrnambool Club building was erected in Kepler Street in 1877 and is still in use today.
This original docket is of interest as an example of the type of purchase made by the Warrnambool Club in 1935 and the type of docket used by the firm of Warrnambool Cordials.
Physical description
This is a docket printed on green paper with blue printed material and blue lines. The details of the sale have been typed. The green paper is discoloured on the right hand side.
Inscriptions & markings
Typed material: ‘Secretary, Warrnambool Club, Kepler Street, Warrnambool, 28th Feb.1935, 15, Invoice no. 3392, 7/6. 5% Sales Tax, 4, 7/10’