Historical information

Electric fans were used for cooling rooms prior to air conditioning.


This fan was used by S.E.C.V. office workers working on the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme.

Physical description

Small electric swivel fan. This heavy black metal fan has 4 curved 'wings' covered by protecting wire consisting of 2 wire rings joined by 6 curved pieces of wire covering the sides and front. Attached to the motor that can swivel and to the base is a black rubber covered electric cord. The base forms a stand with a control knob for speed and swivel options.

Inscriptions & markings

On a plaque: Menominee / Fan Motor / 55182591 Serial No. 200 volts / ACC current 6 cycles / Menominee Electric Mfg. Co. / Menominee ..?
Control knob: 0,1,2,3 along slot