Booklet, The Constitution, Standing Rules & Offices of the Vancouver Club of Senior Lightkeepers of the Missions to Seamen, c.1948

Historical information

Original owner Nora O’Connor the donor’s adopted aunt migrated to Canada during WW2 and also worked as volunteer at the Vancouver Mission to Seamen where she met her husband Edward O’Connor who later migrated to Australia.


This object is part of a sample materials that are associated to the wooden platter (Reg:601) and are about another branch of the international networks of the Mission to Seamen. This document states the rules and regulations about the institution.
The 1943 Williamstown Mission was helped by the Lightkeepers.

Physical description

Light blue booklet outlining rules and offices of the 'Vancouver Club of Senior Lightkeepers of the Missions to Seamen'.

Inscriptions & markings

As described in photos attached

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