Bottle, glass, W. A. Stokes, Chemist

Historical information

TROVE : Jewish Herald (Vic. : 1879 - 1920) Friday 14 March 1913 p 10 Advertising.
Mr. Frank Newman desires to intimate that he has purchased the old-established business of the late MR. W. A. STOKES, recently carried on by Mr. P. J. Winch,
and hopes by giving; his personal attention to the Pharmacy to merit your support. 181 CARLISLE ST.. BALACLAVA. Tel. Windsor 30.
TROVE : The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Tuesday 13 December 1887 p 5 Article
" ROUGH ON RATS" POISON.' . PROSECUTION UNDER THE POISONS ACT. At the St. Kilda police court, on Friday, W, A. Stokes, chemist, Carlisle-street, Balaclava, was prosecuted under the Poisons Statute on the charge of selling to one Mrs. Hannah Charlton a poison without having made and signed the entry required by the act.
A second charge of selling to Mrs, Hannah Charlton a poison without having obtained the signature of the purchaser to an entry as required by the act was also preferred against the defendant. Both cases were taken together. Mr, Donovan appeared to prosecute, and Mr. Cole for the defence. Senior-constable Connell deposed that he
knew the defendant. On the 24th of October last an inquest was held at East St. Kilda relative to the cause of the death of a man named Charlton. A packet bearing the label " Rough on Rats," which was found. in the deceased's bedroom, was produced at the inqiry, and afterwards handed over to Mr. Blackett, Government analytical chemist for analysis. The verdict of the jury was that the deceased died from the effects of arsenical poisoning. Hannah Charlton, a widow, residing in South Yarra, said in September last she purchased a packet of "Rough on Rats" from the defendant's assistant. Witness was not asked her name, place of abode, occupation or for what purpose the poison was required; neither did she observe the assistant make any entry in a book, She did not attach her signature to any document, and was not asked to do so. The packet was purchased for the purpose of poisoning rats. Cuthbert Robert Blackett, Government analytical chemist, stated that Constable Ballantyne handed him the packet produced. Witness made an analysis of the contents, and found it composed of arsenic, slightly coloured with a carbonaceous matter. The mayor announced that there was a doubt in the minds of the magistrates as to whether the defendant could be held guilty under the law, but they thought the prosecution had attained its object by making known the fact that "Rough on Rats" is a poison. They thought that such preparations should be entered by the sellers, but in that case they were inclined to give the defendant the benefit of the doubt and dismiss the case.

Physical description

Rectangular clear light green tinted glass bottle with embossed text and numerals on side and base.

Inscriptions & markings

'W. A. STOKES CHEMIST EAST ST.KILDA' on side. 'K6232' on base.


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