Historical information
This item has been made to package a ‘Dream Sleep’ underblanket. This item was produced by the Warrnambool Textiles factory in the 1990s. In 1910 the Warrnambool Woollen Mill was established and it produced blankets, rugs etc with a staff of over 700 in the 1940s. In 1958 the Mill became the first in Australia to manufacture electric blankets. In 1968 the business was sold to Dunlop and in 1982 Dunlop sold the Mill to Onkaparinga Woollen Company. In 1983 Onkaparinga was taken over by Macquarie Worsteds and the Warrnambool Woollen Mill then traded as Warrnambool Textiles. In 2000 the Mill closed.
This packaging is of some interest as a memento of the old Warrnambool Woollen Mill which operated in Warrnambool for 90 years and was a major industry in the town/city and a major employer of local residents. It is still remembered fondly by many local people today.
Physical description
This is a cardboard sheet for packaging an underblanket for Warrnambool Textiles. It has white printing on a dark blue background on one side and is white and unmarked on the other. It has an image of a sheep, three symbols for ‘Pure New Wool’, a symbol for ‘Naturally Flame Resistant’ and one for ‘Moth-Resist Treated’. The sheet is designed to be folded in four places to cover an underblanket.
Inscriptions & markings
This is a cardboard sheet for packaging an underblanket for Warrnambool Textiles. It has white printing on a dark blue background on one side and is white and unmarked on the other. It has an image of a sheep, three symbols for ‘Pure New Wool’, a symbol for ‘Naturally Flame Resistant’ and one for ‘Moth-Resist Treated’. The sheet is designed to be folded in four places to cover an underblanket.