booklet, A Brief History of the Brass Bands of Orbost Australia 1889-1975, 8.11.1975

Historical information

This booklet was compiled for the anniversary celebrations of the Orbost Municipal Band on November 8, 1975.
It was compiled by Peter Fagg who worked as a scientist with the Department of Sustainability and Environment (now DELWP) to study dieback in eucalypts. He specialised in the silviculture of the eucalypt forest types of South-East Australia for most of his 40-year career, which started with the Forests Commission Victoria. He was in Orbost from 1968 - 1973.
The first Orbost Brass Band was formed in 1889. Around 1908 the town band split and the Orbost Workers' Band was formed. Eventually the two bands merged in 1913 to reform as the Orbost Municipal Band under conductorship of Charles Spink. The band continued for many years but was later disbanded and again reformed. This was to happen a number of times, the last time being in 1961 and continuing through to the late 1970's.
Further info and Ref: In Times Gone By - Deborah Hall


The various Orbost bands over the years played a major role in community activities providing entertainment and musical experiences for the many members.

Physical description

A 12 pp stapled booklet compiled for the anniversary celebration of the Orbost Municipal Band. It has been typed in black ink on foolscap sized white paper.

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